Knob to PNG

Drawing dial images for Max for Live devices with HTML Canvas

ClickTouch and drag up and down

Table of Contents

There’s probably a billion different ways to draw the interface control known as the ‘dial’ or ‘knob’. But at a minimum, this virtual control must visually resemble its physical counterpart enough to make its operation obvious to the user. Who hasn’t turned a knob before?

ClickTouch and drag up and down on the knobs. They can be tricky to adjust with a pointer device and become visually obscured when used with touch input, but despite these shortcomings, the dial remains an effective on-screen control.

Anatomy of a Dial

The dial we’re making is a simple, line–based affair that’ll be easy to draw in code and will more or less look at home in Ableton Live or a similarly styled app.

The shape of the dial is defined by the 45° wedge taken from its bottom border. This gap in the outer border visually orients the control and indicates its linear minimum / maximum value operation. The border element also serves as a state indicator through the use of color. Inside the indicator is the knob. This is a purely decorative element meant to reference the circular shape of real-life knobs. Attached to the knob is the needle. The needle indicates the position of the knob and also serves as an interactive target.

pictctrl vs. live.dial

If you’re making a Max for Live device that requires a dial control, you should use the built-in live.dial object. Its colors are customizable, it'll save you time and, most of all, the live.dial object will look and work like a native Live dial.

But, if you’re making a stand–alone MAX patch or just like the rich feel of artisanal dials, you’ll need to use the Max UI object pictctrl and create the required image assets for it.

What pictctrl Wants

The pictctrl object uses a single filmstrip–like image to represent all the states and steps of the control. Each individual state occupies a row in this image. That way you can specify active, inactive and disabled states (to name a few) in a single image. For this example, we’ll stick to just one default state for our dial so that our image is only one row tall. We’ll construct our pictctrl image by arranging all the individual frames of the default state side by side in a row, like so:

A theoretical single state 16–frame pictctrl image asset.

pictctrl’s image dimensions will vary in size depending on the size of the template frame and how many frames you want it to have. So, for example, if your dial control is 50px wide by 50px tall and you have 128 frames, your pictctrl image will be 50px * 128 or 6400px wide. Common MIDI values range from 0-127 so 128 frames is a convenient number for mapping each dial frame to a unique data value.

A single image of all 128 dial frames laid out side by side. Ready for use in a pictctrl object.

Knob Builder

Hand drawing every frame of your dial image in a program like Photoshop or Sketch will give you good results provided you’re willing to put in the time. But, if you want to speed things along, or if you just need to quickly make a Max dial control, the Knob Builder below was made for exactly that purpose. You can customize the dial’s size, wedge amount, colors and number of frames. Just save the final drawing that appears below the Builder to your computer and you’ve got the image asset required to build a simple pictctrl.

Num Frames
Line Width
Dial Size
Wedge Amount
Bg Color
Border Color
Knob Color
Needle Color
Final image ready for use in a Max pictctrl object. 10 frames, 640px wide, 64px tall, png format. Ctrl+click or long press to download.

A pictctrl Example

Now that we’ve got a frame–by–frame dial image, lets’s put it to use in a simple Max for Live device.

  1. Start a new Live project and drag a new Max Midi Effect to an empty MIDI track. Click the Edit Button on the Max device to launch Max.
    howto_pictctrl_01.gif — 844 KB
  2. Select all and delete to clear out the default Max Midi Effect device. Open the Patcher Inspector and change the Background Color and Unlocked Background Color to black.
    howto_pictctrl_02.gif — 873 KB
  3. In the sidebar, select the Explorer tab and click the UI Objects filter. Scroll down the list of objects to the Buttons section and drag a pictctrl object onto the presentation area.
    howto_pictctrl_03.gif — 717 KB
  4. With the pictctrl selected on the canvas, select the Inspector tab and locate the Behavior section of the Attributes. Change the control type from Button to Dial.
    howto_pictctrl_04.gif — 305 KB
  5. In the Dial section of the attributes, de–select the clickedimage option, adjust the frames parameter to match the number of frames in your dial image and click the trackvertical option.
    howto_pictctrl_05.gif — 596 KB
  6. Scroll down the attributes list to the Image section. Click the Choose button and select your dial image.
    howto_pictctrl_06.gif — 246 KB
  7. In the the Appearance section of the attributes, select the presentation and snap options.
    howto_pictctrl_07.gif — 383 KB
  8. Click the lock icon in the patcher window and give your new dial control a try.
    howto_pictctrl_08.gif — 250 KB
  9. Save your Max for Live device to the same location as your dial image and close it. Try it out in Live. Nice job, take a break.
    howto_pictctrl_09.gif — 384 KB


Thoughts? Questions? Corrections? Send ’em my way: